August 17, 2020 / By trpws2012
project ahaar

The pandemic has adversely affected the lives of numerous people, disrupting their livelihoods whether it be the migrant workers or the peddlers. The turbulent turn that life has taken has rendered them in a position where it has become too hard to arrange for their basic needs. The destitute might not have died due to the virus, but they have died every single day starving. If we’ve enjoyed the lockdown in our homes, savoring new dishes each day, there cannot be a better way to be grateful to the almighty than lending out a helping hand to the needy fellow who’s being tortured by an empty belly.

We at TRPWS believe that we rise by lifting others and have come up with our novel endeavor to feed the COVID – 19 affected families by providing them home-cooked meals for free purchased from suppliers at Rs 50/- per person.

It has been rightly saying, “There are people in the world so hungry that God can’t appear to them except in the form of bread”. So be that someone special for a starving soul, be the cause of delight for a hungry child by sponsoring a food packet. Helping the underprivileged is not just an act of kindness but it’s our duty and responsibility towards our community.

Together, we can alleviate the distress that hunger has caused in our society. We at TRPWS, ensure you 100% transparency with your contribution. We’ll share with you the picture of the donated packets marked with your name on it for you deserve to know when, where, and how your donations are bringing a change in who’s life.

So let’s join hands, be open-hearted, and feed one!

Click here to donate